The Isla Mujeres Scholarship Program welcomes a new business sponsor - CARM Tour & Transfers11/15/2017 CARM Tours & Transfers is excited for our next project! We have joined the Isla Mujeres Scholarship group on Team Marisa!
Marisa is studying physical therapy at University of Valladolid and is 1-1/2 years into her studies. But she is in danger of having to drop out for financial reasons. She was born and raised on Isla Mujeres and has one sister and one brother, and her mother works to support them all. Her sister is also in University and is a recipient of this same scholarship. Marisa's dream is to open her own physical therapy clinic one day, perhaps on Isla Mujeres, and mostly "to make my mother proud". Her monthly expenses of tuition, books/supplies, housing, transportation, food are approximately $350.00 USD TOTAL. CARM Tours & Transfers is happy to donate $100.00 USD per month and we need a few more team members to make her scholarship a reality. Sponsors can commit to a minimum of $25.00 USD per month with a one year minimum, and if for any reason they must leave the program, the program please asks to give as much notice as possible. Are there other individuals, local businesses, office pools who would like to join Team Marisa? Please let us know - Let's make this happen!
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